Little Cutie

Hi All! Summer has arrived! I have 2 pieces – that I entered into the first ever Hodinohson:ni Art Show at the Seneca Art & Cultural Center at Ganondagan in Victor, NY. I submitted to this event a flour sifter and a market basket and they both got in – (it’s a juried show!) With that said, I’ll be up in competition along with other traditional artists across the Six Nations. It can be a big field or a small field depending on who submitted. I’m excited to be apart of their newest endeavor. I’ll post photos when the show goes up in July. It will be up at the Native American Dance and Music Festival on July 22-23, 2017. I’ll be the featured traditional basket maker at the festival also but my time will be limited as there will be other artists on deck. When I know more of when and where I’ll share and hope you can come out and see the fine artists as well as enjoy some of the events of the weekend.

But, in the mean time, here is a little cutie I made from a replica. She’s rather tiny – only stands 2.5″ tall and 2.5″ wide. Photo size can be deceiving. I really like her. I have a repair on deck and then going to make another mid sized pack basket. I’m planning on a 10″ pack basket soon. Sometime this summer — hopefully! Enjoy! More soon.