Busy weekend

I was at the Niagara Power Authority Wildlife Days this past weekend. Taught kids and adults how to weave a ash and sweet grass ornament. I met a ton of folks, kept pretty busy the entire days!

I’ve have the opportunity through the SNI Libraries both Allegany and Cattaraugus to teach this fall. From what I was told the classes fill up fast for both the cornhusk doll and flowers class and the tiny tea basket. I’ll do another set in October!

Keeping busy that’s for sure! Salamanca Falling leaves festival is coming up! Maybe we’ll run into you there! Have a good one.

Classes ahead of me…

Don’t forget to come out to the Nannen Arboretum for a walk in Ellicottville on Sunday, we’ll be along the way, doing our thing.

Classes ahead of me this coming week in the community both on Allegany and Cattaraugus Territories. Both required sign ups and classes were filled!

Then I’ll be up at the Niagara Power Authority for their Wildlife Days. It’s always a good time. A busy time with young folks. I’m expecting a poster soon.

Seems the fall is a very busy time, I always think it’ll slow down soon but that doesn’t seem so. Ah, well, glad for all the experiences I get on my journey. Make it a good one! Hope to see you soon.

Upcoming weekend

Seneca Fall Fest went off without any problems. We had a Community Basket that was a collaboration of anyone who stopped by and spoke to us and wanted to weave a round. They signed their name and added to the beautiful multi colored barrel shaped basket. In the end, we had 41 participants contribute.

Next up for me this upcoming weekend, I’ll be with my sister at the Nannen Arboretum in Ellicottville, NY visiting with the public and working on some of my baskets. My sister will be showing her corn husk dolls. If you’re in the area stop by and say hello, should be a good day!

Enjoy the weather while we got it!

Here’s the beauty we created together!

Nice write up…

I had talked with Deb Everts, from the Salamanca Press in May at the Routes to Art and we made a date to do an interview on my artwork. She came through and I’ve only heard good words so far. I was pleased to be featured and really do like to share. It also featured in the Olean Times Herald.

So, just in case you missed it. Here’s the link.


Seneca Fall Festival 2019

In Irving, NY at the Saylor Building under the Artist Tent is where you’ll find me on September 14 & 15, 2019 from 10-5. I’ll be sharing my art as well as have a few baskets for sale. Others will be there and as soon as I get a flyer, I’ll share the weekend events. It’s a great time to come out and spend some time in the community with lots to see, do and eat! I’ll keep you updated!

I’m still here…

I’ve been keeping myself busy, unfortunately, not giving myself time to share on here in a timely manner. It happens, life, I’m living it!

At any rate, The Ganondagan Art Show was nicely done, as always. I wouldn’t want the duty of judging entries.

I did enter 2 pieces and they did not place but got a showing. One was a cornhusk doll done in white leather called “Respecting Our Elders” which was a nod to a piece in my collection done by an elder Seneca woman. And the other piece was a cornhusk doll constructed from Amazon mailing packages, and sinew. Her intentions were to tell the story of consumerism in our society today. That there is no “away” when we throw things away. Growing up with the three -R’s, Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, it is known that a newspaper that is 50 years old can still be read after being in a landfill for that long. So, for Earth Day this year I constructed Elly, the piece was called “Elly’s Journey: Closer to the heart.” She now sits in my living room, reminding me every day that there is always something you can do to help our Mother Earth, to keep her healthy.

The Tri-County Arts Council had its members show and I entered the basket purse with beadwork on the top. It was a nice show of artwork from area artists and the talent in one room was mind blowing! Art appreciation in every medium. I love seeing others explore and the translation in their works.

Then, I’ve had a good journey to Cayuga Territory, mid-state NY in Ithaca. Visited with the families that were interested in the Haudenosaunee teachings of the construction of cornhusk dolls and her story. Gathered were 54 people who attended and were truly interested and I was actually impressed that I managed a complete doll with such a large group but they helped one another and the 2 ladies who assisted me were fabulous! It made for a really great visit. We walked the common area from one shop to another and then hiked at the Lucifer Falls within the Robert H. Tremen State Park. It was a beautifully busy day, couldn’t have asked for a better day. And my forever pal was by my side for all of it.

Also managed to make a one day and brief visit, presentation at the Erie County Fair. Demonstration of my basketry and spoke with the public. It was hot but was under a tent with some breeze.

Sharing a few shots. Enjoy, hope to see you soon; some where out there!

Seneca Veterans Pow Wow 2019

I’ll be under The SINM tent this year doing a demonstration of my basket making this Friday, July 19, from 11-4. Stop by and say hi!

Otherwise, I’ve been busy doing other creative things. I’ll need to prep and get some splints into my week! There’s always something and I’m rarely sitting still for too long.

Hope you’re enjoying the summer weather it’s been lovely lately, get out there and enjoy!

Treasured Traditions: A Statement of Place

At the Iroquois Indian Museum located in Howes Cave, NY, I assisted in an exhibit for Seneca basket makers from the Allegany/Cattaraugus Territory. Through the collections I selected a few baskets as well as included some contemporary baskets from our Territories. The exhibit will run from May-November, I made it out to see the exhibit and was pleased to be a part of the endeavor. A big Nya:weh going out to the staff and Colette Lemmon and Steph Schultz’s for their excellent work on this display. Stop by to see all of the featured mediums on display. A nice summer stop on this journey of ours.

Market basket is Dorothy Jimerson, my paternal grandmother
Corn sifter and mini tote are my works from my collection


Routes to Art 2019

I don’t know why I hadn’t shared this already, since it’s upon us now. This coming weekend in our area is the Routes to Art open studio tour. The Tri-County Arts Council is holding this event across Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties here in WNY. May 18 & 19 I am going to be located at the new museum, Onohsegwe:de’ Cultural Center from 10-5 both days.

Stop by to see me and Jon Anne Capasso doing our artwork, me with my baskets and dolls and Jon with her bead work. There is a raffle with chances to win art work from each artist on the tour! Stop by and enjoy a treat with us and check out the new digs!