Another big basket

These big projects are taking me a bit longer. But one is done! My body is sore, but I take breaks between them. Some are heavier splints, some times my hands hurt sometimes it’s my back and shoulders. But got one down. So, I’m happy.

I was busy doing some cornhusk floral arrangements for the SINM/OCC also, they are cute. It’s for the upcoming Valentines Day sales, check them out at the museum.

Because I was told years ago to sign my basket, I’ve got my signature on this biggie. What’s next? Another one. Ack!

Have plans to teach in Ithaca again next month, hopefully the weather is nice to me. Until, next time. Have a good one!

Moving on…

So, also completed a few purses over the holidays. Beaded tops. Kinda fancy. Working on a few more. Two corn sifters done. Feeling productive but some times need to do other handi work, some beadwork and wove a watercolor paper basket, a pack basket purse, kinda fun! Just sharing my newest works, they’ve also gone on.

Thinking this may be the year of the purse/totes. Seems they are requested more than not. Also, thinking on an art piece but it’s super heavy—political, may get into it, idea is brewing, drawings in my head. I just keep moving on…what’s next? Time will tell. Have a good one! Be back soon.

Creativity rarely rests…

Hey all! I took a week off, had a nice visit with my son and family, had a wonderful and peaceful time, with no deadlines or late nights! I’m not totally rejuvenated but more focused on what will need to be done.

Pretty sure organization would benefit me more so but I know what I need to go forth in the new year. I do know what I need to do. I’m pretty good at meeting my obligations. I’m a Taurus after all!

So, I’ve got to get some heavier splints for the few orders and got a jump on one of them. A corn wash basket! Love how it’s coming along. Another right behind it! And then 2 others. No shows lined up yet. Sorting through on the shows I can make this year. Just wanted to share.

Hope you stay safe and enjoy! Don’t drink and drive, call a friend, call a taxi, call an Uber. We want you safe. Happy New Year! Welcome 2020!

Forgot to mention…

I can not believe I forgot to mention the acquisition came through! I now have some works in the America Museum of Natural History in NYC. They will now host one of my cornhusk mats and two of my baskets! I was so excited for this news and was honored as well as humbled by this request. As an artist, I’ve felt like I’ve earned my chops but I do know not to sit on my laurels. We’ll see what the New Year brings. On ward, ho!

Busy season continues…

I’ve been pretty busy had another ornament class, birthday party, a couple of craft shows with my sister and niece, served hot cocoa and attended a tree lighting and had our annual cookie exchange! Have one more appearance at the Seneca Elders Dinner on Wednesday for craft sales. It’s always great to see everyone in their holiday garb and the festivities are always fun! And a Christmas dinner with family. Whew, I’m tired thinking about it, almost out of December. Eek!

I have a few orders but they are not needed immediately so I can coast for a bit.

But, just in case you are around, Cattaraugus Community Center in Cattaraugus on New Years Eve from 1-4. I’ll be making cornhusk flowers with everyone. There will be plenty of activities to do, I’m one of the artists there alongside others. Come out and see us!

This year I’ll be with our son and his family enjoying the holidays. My husband and I are also celebrating our 35th Anniversary! Hope you get some down time and enjoy time with your family and friends.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mercyhurst University visit

On Friday, November 15th, I had an opportunity to visit with Edward Jolie, Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Archaelogy, Director, Perishable Artifacts Lab at Mercyhurst University.

We discussed the possibilities of other natural materials that are in our region that could either complement or be a suitable substitute for the black ash that I use in my artwork.

We have an abundance of other natural materials that could be collected and utilized in basket making, such as willow, dog bane, hemlock, cat tail, bulrush and other roots.

Other tribes and nations throughout the Americas used what was on hand to the best of their abilities.

In his lab, Ed shared with me the basket collection he has from different regions. I was appreciative and amazed at the techniques and longevity. The techniques were both exquisite and impressive. Upon close inspection, you can decipher their patterns.

It was a lovely visit and the shared interest will hopefully be a long lasting friendship; he’s a great resource.

Finally, he shared a piece that was found in Oregon that was 10,000 years old. It was the left side of a piece of foot wear, showing the effectiveness and technique used (twining). Absolutely amazing. Thankful for the time we had to visit, Nya:weh Ed!

Another class down

Had another star class with some folks, everyone finished their ornament! I think they surprised themselves too!

One more, then concentrate on my other things. A few possible acquisitions but wait and see. I’ll let you know.

Stay warm. We had a dusting today! ❄️

Be good.

So, what’s next, you ask?

I’m finishing up some classes within the communities. And it was fun, but just a few more to go.

I am going to be at the Seneca Allegany Casino on November 13 from 5-8 pm set up for sales. And at the Jingle Paws event at the Allegany Community Center on November 16 from 10-4 pm, I’ve included the posters for both.

Right now getting my act together so I can have some goods for sale. Public is welcome to both events. Come down if you’re able to find the time and get a head start on holiday shopping!

Be good.

SINM Speakers Series 2019

It was my evening to be the presenter at the Speakers Series at the OCC/SINM here in town. I was some what nervous and wanted it to be a casual evening. I told my story and tried to stay on target. I did a demo with everyone and they also did a star. My star was from machined ash, at the time, someone I met at a workshop knew I worked with ash. I had no clue what I’d do with it! It seemed too brittle. So, I turned it into an 18″ star! Large scale demo. Worked great! Everyone left with a black ash and sweet grass star!

Back to classes next week. I’ll get myself sorted out soon enough! Take care!