What’s next…

I did make it into the Minnesota Gallery, I’ll be packaging that up.

It looks like I have billions of things going on, and I do! lol, I have a nice break but then going to teach at the AOA, Springville Arts Council and the Seneca Allegany Casino and then the SINM/OCC. All different art disciplines, but that’s what makes it fun! So, November is not slowing down for me and right up to the first weekend in December! Wow! I hope I can get things done for the shows!

IF I get flyers, I’ll post and share. Otherwise, have a good one!

Stay toasty, until next time!

Fall moving in quickly…

A friend and I went up to Brantford, ON for a 3 day workshop/camp for log pounding and black ash basket making. We had a hot and adventurous weekend. The photo shows the splints pounded as a collective. We all walked away with a small basket. I appreciate my pounders, I am not cut out for it, I knew this already but showed my support and assisted some of the folks at camp.

Preparing for the Salamanca Falling Leaves festival in a month. But in the meantime, I get to attend the Seneca Fall Fest. this weekend. There is a fashion show and I have a purse in the show, should be fun to watch and participate in.

Then I have plans to be at Ithaca the following weekend to do a class with the The History Center in Tompkins County, a one day event, teaching Black Ash Splint stars!

Then I’m onto the Niagara Falls Power Authority Wilderness Days, also doing the Black Ash Splint stars.

Submitted a piece to a show in Minnesota, will see if I am juried in! In the meantime, I’ve been getting my work done for my entry to the Ganondagan Juried Art Show and my granddaughter’s birthday gift. There is always something. Just finished a wedding and now preparing for the Winterthur classes in October – time is flying! I’ll be able to share some photos after the submission process, etc. Can’t reveal all my secrets!

Have a good one! Always learning, reading and creating art!

Be back soon.

Summer Happenings

Back at it again! Had my shows back at Heritage Day in June, it rained in the afternoon, but we persevered! Then came a pop-up with my sister and then at the Seneca Veteran’s Pow Wow at Vets Park in Salamanca I did a demonstration and meet and greet with folks coming into the pow wow grounds under the SINM/OCC tent. And then up to Victor, NY at the Ganondagan site for the Indigenous Music and Arts Festival. All while doing my art work and sharing it, learning more and participating in the Creatives Rebuild New York under the Artists Employment Program and as a Artist in Residence with the SINM/OCC.

It’s already been a busy summertime! My fall calendar is also filling back up. Plans to do more events this year. I’m still cautious because seems like we are an oddity and glad for it too, since we haven’t had Covid and I’m okay with that.

Be back soon. Have a wonderful day!

Things are looking up

Here I go again! I lost my connection, even if its easy for some, its not always easy for me!

I’ve been invited to be a part of a Pathways to Success grant and another opportunity to be part of a collabrative with the SINM and OCC here in Salamanca. Exciting things going on…

Shows are opening back up and I’m going to be at the Joe Curry Pow Wow we have in town July 16, doing a demonstration and talking baskets. Then the following week I’ll be a vendor at the Ganondagan site in Victor for the Indigenous Music and Arts Festival – July 23 & 24, 2022

I’ll be back with some photos soon.

2021 in a nutshell

January, I am intentionally skipping

February, made art for my sister’s pop up she had on her front porch, it was a fun way to get some quick sales and still see some folks.

March, my granddaughter, Nina taught me how to knit via FaceTime! Beaded some medallions for friend.

April, finally got to see my sister, Vicki after everything lifted a bit. Taught a Zoom class for the cornhusk flowers.

May, I displayed my basket making materials at the Salamanca Public Library for the month.

June, wedding baskets made – sent to Nevada. Another medallion beaded.

July, preparing my artwork for Ganondagan Art Show – 2 pieces in progress.

August, wrapping up wedding gift of 2 dolls for Seattle trip. Taught in Ithaca.

September, made the wreaths for the “Remember the Removal” day. Taught in Ithaca again.

October, hiking in Letchworth SP.

November, both pieces ready for the Art Show! Won 1st and 2nd place for the hat and the basket respectively.

Bear/Cat Corn husk Hat, PSM 2021

December, did a few small shows before Christmas (in person) good to see everyone!

Now, we are almost all caught up. I have a few bits of news but will continue on the next post. Stay well, Spring is right around the corner and will see how much mischief I get into! Later, peace.

Here I am!!

So, I’m back. Could not access this account for a year. I’ll be sharing more things this year ahead of me. I’m hoping I get here more often. I have orders to fulfill and have to budget my time with my outside work. Every thing has been ok, doing my thing.

We had events prior to the holidays that let us be out and about, it was great to see folks even with the masks on. I’m still cautious and will do what is right for me.

Watch for more updates as I get things in order once again, I have some spam to take care of also. Be back soon, promise!

Rough start 2021

Let’s just say we all agree this year could’ve started out better. With all the happenings across the country, I’ve become disappointed and tired of it all.

I really try to get to my art intentionally to escape the other things going on. We are going into our third month and I had small orders to fulfill so now onto the more manual things and I feel some what ambivalent about it. I’ve been trying to read a book that is totally nonsensical and just do other things to take my mind off of the world, I can’t get through the book or begin my basket. It’s something I need to get passed I guess.

I still laugh, I’m glad for that. We went snow shoe-ing over the other weekend and had a really good time, despite the exercise aspect! Lol!

I received my first vaccination and had a slight reaction. Will go back in a months time to receive the second one. I will probably feel better about it once my hubby get his too. It is a personal choice, but I feel it an important one. Staying safe and really just doing my thing as always. Working on some pretty things because the world has enough ugly in it.

There may be a few things I may get into this year but still hesitant so we’ll see. I’ll catch up more when I can confirm. Here are the work in progress. Sneak peek.

For whatever reason…

My blogs will not let me post lately. I shared some news and I was not able to up load it so I ended up trashing it and I’ll begin again.

I was part of an on line class with Carson Waterman this past December and we had an opportunity to have our work displayed at Silo City in Buffalo, NY.

The month prior I won second place with this piece in the Ganondagan Art Show, I was among some fabulous artists and was honored to be selected in basketry as they are all talented folks.

I’ve been busy with getting orders done for the new year but I’ve still got time, baskets, dolls and small beaded items. With all the cancellations this past year, we dug in heavily with the on line market place. I did ok!

I’m keeping active with things that I enjoy and can exercise as I’m able, healing and staying healthy has been a priority this year. I can’t wait until I can go snow shoeing again. It’s true, it’s easier to stay in shape than to get into shape!

Cheers to a safe and healthy happy new year. Stay safe, be vigilant and mask up! Welcome to 2021! Make it a great one. I’ll be back soon. Much love, peace, joy and happiness!

How’s everyone doing?

This is not an easy time on people. We’ve had to readjust our days, our thinking as well as be more mindful in interacting with others.

I’ve been busy with a few orders. I’ve had the opportunity to be featured in the SINM FB site as one of the artists at the museum. It was a very fine effort and I appreciated the exposure.

I’m also working on pieces to enter for the art show at the Ganondagan site by the end of the month. One is complete and I’m pretty happy with it, the other entry has been in limbo but I will get it done. Seems like things are harder to start or complete, it’s been an odd time for me creatively. But I continue on. So, you’ll see them soon!

I’m also working on the wreaths for the Remember the Removal campaign we have here on territory. The large one will be sent down the river. There is no main event this year, it will be an on your own kind of day. But there will be a drive thru giveaway for a tee shirt and such. This is keeping me largely occupied at the moment.

I’m always thinking of every one and their well being. I’ve reached out to some but for the most part FB has been my touchstone. But some days it makes me angry as does the news. To avoid this I’ve avoided crowds, events, people and some media. I’ve not buried my head in the sand, keeping up to date is important and much of what is happening in this world matters. Some of which is out of my control. So, while you’re out there in the world doing your thing, be mindful, think of your fellow human, wear a mask. Caring is so important in these days of the pandemic. Compassion, kindness and decency need to be reiterated in these times. Hope you stay well, stay sane and just be kind.