Good Medicine Creatives Grand Opening

We’ve been working on this for some time now and its finally nearing our grand opening date! The CRNY (Creatives Rebuild New York) collective here on our territory is opening a studio space for the public to see! Exciting to see the hard work behind all of the artists. It will be this Friday, July 28 from 5-8 pm at our new location at 215 Broad St., Salamanca, NY. If you are around stop by and meet the artists. Planning a good variety of events. Attached the poster here for you to see. More to come.

Been busy times

As you may have figured, I’ve been absent again here. Been a busy time here in my world. I’ve been updating my CV and other works for another opportunity and I have works in the Erie Art Museum (beaded face mask); Burchfield Art and Nature Center (Photography – She Realizes); the Springville Center for the Arts (various baskets/beadwork) and had made a donation to the Rochester Contemporary Art Center for their 6x6x2023 campaign!

I’ve had a few trips and a few demonstrations and still they keep coming…lol. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it! So, I’m trying to keep doing the art and this gets by the way side. So, if you get a chance to follow me on instagram put my handle in penelope.minner and you will see the immediate updates.

Otherwise, I’m going to keep on keeping on and hope this website doesn’t fail on me and vice versa. I try. Got to get back to the other works chore. But I will be at the Canadea Field Days on July 1 in Houghton, NY doing a demonstration and at the Seneca Joe Curry Pow Wow under the Seneca Iroquois National Museum Cultural Tent doing a demo as well. Here’s a little cutie I made at Shenandoah Creates! loved my time there.

Busy summer ahead. Got to get to it. Enjoy!

She Realizes

Photography and artwork was done by my self. The doll is made of corn husk, yarn and calico fabric, wool and size 13 seed beads. I was doing my interpretation of the story that was mentioned in last post.

She looks into the water to see she no longer has a face. The children ask how can she eat? How can she see? All good questions. We don’t like to say she is punished but she was negligent in her duties and tasks before her. She has consequences for her actions or lack there of. I always say she has them but she can no longer see them.

No one is above you or below you. We are all equal. This goes to treating people with the same considerations and dignity in which you would like to be treated. Be respectful and mindful . And don’t forget your tasks at hand. Be humble and kind.

"She Realizes"
PSM 2023 Seneca|Turtle Clan|Allegany

Here we go…

I began my newest art piece focusing on the construction of the corn husk dolls. I was asked to do a piece about the time the corn husk doll realized she lost her face. The story is dear to me because my cousin shared it when she was the curator of the SINM. I favor this version over all others. Its all about interpretation in my view.

Haudenosaunee Corn Husk Dolls

We make our children corn husk dolls so that they are never alone. Faceless dolls teach us that we should never judge someone by their appearance nor should we obsess with our own vanity as is a distraction to completing the tasks that we are meant to do. Judging others by their appearance is an obstacle to seeing what is in their heart.

The Legend of the No Face Doll

The Haudenosaunee people respect what they call the sustainers of life, the Three Sisters – Corn, Beans and Squash. The Corn Spirit was so thrilled to be one of the sustainers of life that she asked the Great Spirit if there was anything more that she could do for her people. The Great Spirit told her that a doll could be formed from her husk. So she made the doll from her husk and gave the doll a beautiful face. Then, the doll went from village to village and played with the children. 

Everywhere she went everyone kept telling her how beautiful she was. So, it wasn’t long before she became conceited. The Great Spirit called to her. But, before she went into the Great Spirit’s lodge she looked into a pool of water to admire herself. The Great Spirit talked to her and told her that if she kept thinking that she was better than everyone else a terrible punishment would come upon her, but he wouldn’t tell her what it would be. So, again the doll went from village to village playing with the children and again everyone kept telling her how beautiful she was. 

It wasn’t long before she became conceited again. The Great Spirit called her and once again she looked into the pool of water to admire herself before going into the lodge. Upon entering, the Great Spirit said to her: “I have given you one warning, now a great punishment will come upon you.” But he still wouldn’t tell her what it was. When she left the lodge, she again looked into the pool of water to admire herself, but this time she didn’t have a face. The Great Spirit had taken it away. 

Since that time, the Haudenosaunee people do not put a face on their corn husk dolls. This is to remind people, never to think that they are better than anyone else or a great punishment will fall upon them.

So, I made my own version of her in my art. She will be entered in a photograph form into the Spring Art Show at the SINM on March 25, 2023 you can see it there. I will post after she is juried.

New Year, new opportunities

Been busy since we got back on track after the holidays, I love family time.

I’m lining up my new year already, already in process of booking into August! I am working on things sideways as well, I have a corn husk doll making class with the public at the Salamanca Pubic Library.

I will be working with the Seneca Senior Center next month, sharing my art of corn husk doll making also. I have a few museum tours coming up as well as a few zooms to get in on.

We will have a pow wow here on Allegany Territory in February as well, good times. And I’m lined up for 2 classes for basket making outside our area. (first one is with my sister, we always do this when we can, in Mentor, OH and the second one is in VA) Busy times ahead.

I decided when I can and if I am available to take a class here or there in some art form that I am interested in. Starting tomorrow I’m taking a book binding class. I met a fellow artist who works with the instructor at WNY Book Arts in Buffalo! Small world or what? I want to get up there and connect with folks as well for print making opportunities. Super excited about that aspect.

Currently working on piece to be on display this year, corn husk doll is coming along beautifully. More detail to be added first and then I can share it later on once on display. Excited for it.

Just doing my thing as usual, but more hustle in the game! Take care, may see you soon. Enjoy your day!

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

I did a few shows for the holiday season , which were fun! I also appreciate all the support from our community and Native artists.

There is always something going on in the background and I’m always busy. If it”s not artwork it reading about art in some capacity. The winter months are good for making baskets as every one seems to be indoors more.

I’m looking forward to the new year as I have some plans for classes for myself and also for more teaching opportunities in the community.

Going to take a well deserved break for a few days, please stay toasty, safe and have a wonderful time with your family, as those are my plans!

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Here we come 2023!!

Holidays Moving In Quickly

I have a few scheduled classes for the month of November, so I’m keeping busy with everything. Also, have some holiday shows to be in as well, November 19th at the ACC and November 26 at the SINM/OCC Winter Market show, then the ECLC Holiday Fundraiser Show! Eek!

I am busy. Upcoming Strawberry pin cushion and splint ornament and corn husk dolls. And one presentation with the Faithkeeper’s Nest. This is always a busy time, hope I can keep up, lol! Check back soon, hope to have photos next time.