Forgot to mention…

I can not believe I forgot to mention the acquisition came through! I now have some works in the America Museum of Natural History in NYC. They will now host one of my cornhusk mats and two of my baskets! I was so excited for this news and was honored as well as humbled by this request. As an artist, I’ve felt like I’ve earned my chops but I do know not to sit on my laurels. We’ll see what the New Year brings. On ward, ho!

Busy season continues…

I’ve been pretty busy had another ornament class, birthday party, a couple of craft shows with my sister and niece, served hot cocoa and attended a tree lighting and had our annual cookie exchange! Have one more appearance at the Seneca Elders Dinner on Wednesday for craft sales. It’s always great to see everyone in their holiday garb and the festivities are always fun! And a Christmas dinner with family. Whew, I’m tired thinking about it, almost out of December. Eek!

I have a few orders but they are not needed immediately so I can coast for a bit.

But, just in case you are around, Cattaraugus Community Center in Cattaraugus on New Years Eve from 1-4. I’ll be making cornhusk flowers with everyone. There will be plenty of activities to do, I’m one of the artists there alongside others. Come out and see us!

This year I’ll be with our son and his family enjoying the holidays. My husband and I are also celebrating our 35th Anniversary! Hope you get some down time and enjoy time with your family and friends.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!