Busy Weekend

Did a demonstration at Howe Caverns at the Iroquois Museum on my background with the black ash basketry and corn husk work. Met a lot of folks from around the area and shared my love for our traditional arts and culture. Education and preservation are one of the key components of my talks. It was a beautiful weekend, set out on the back area with a nice breeze, it was a raining trip to the location but then it was gone!

Also, did a splint and sweet grass class at the Cuba Circulating Library in Cuba, NY with some patrons. 11 ladies came out to participate and they were all very happy with their results.

So, I am able to take a breath and fill out the orders I have in and get prepared for the Fall Festival in Irving. Yes, I said it, getting ready and planning mode for fall. Oi!

Be back soon, flyers were not yet circulating.