North East Basketmakers Guild 2017 Gathering

I attended the NBG Spring Gathering and had a very nice time learning and meeting with other basketmakers from the NE region.

Small world, met a lady originally from Springville, NY  – just up the road from me. Funny thing was her brother had sent the article in the Buffalo News that had featured my friend, Holly John and the Black Ash Trees and the Emerald Ash Borer last year. She said she had written to those in power (3x) on our behalf. She’s a treasure!

Another notable moment, JoAnne Kelly Catsos was in the house! She recalls 30 years ago (approx.) that Mary Adams (remarkable Mohawk Basket Maker) was there and shared her art with them. Seriously, a small world.

I got to work on a few projects and was pleased with the outcome. I still appreciate the refined look and precision of the works that were shared and taught at the event. Also, met some lovely ladies and appreciate their welcoming me aboard! It was a feel good weekend!

Sharing a few shots. Always learning.

Busy times

Well, I was off to a few adventures lately-Philadelphia, PA, D.C., Boston, MA and Enfield, CT. Now, settling back in but much to do.
I’m helping a friend with her wedding and doing a lot of corn husk flowers lately! I mean loads! If she will allow me to share I’ll post but otherwise it will be after October. They are turning out beautifully if I must say. ( I know, I know, patting myself on the back I may hurt myself!)

Unfortunately, I’ve become allergic to flowers as I’ve been in more contact with them. It was a problem that I needed to solve in order to continue with this project, I began do some research on alternative medicine for allergies and created a list of possible solutions, if you suffer from allergies, you can look here to see if you have tried one of these medication and leave a comment about your experience.

I’ve got 5 sessions of craft classes this month with various entities.

As I go I’ll share a picture or two.

I’ve already received Christmas orders and it’s 8 months away! So, I’m going to start planning that as well.

My real job has me on the computer all day but never time to do this! It’s not something I want to stress about too much. If you want to check it out for yourself you can  So, I’m catching up. I hadn’t even downloaded my pics from my trips yet! It’ll all work out- I manage to balance it out without too much stress.

My garden is slowed with this weather as well. But, I can do what I’m able and be content.

Enjoy your weekend! I’ll be busy as usual. Maybe get to post a pic or two soon.

Working On Orders

I have to get some things done. But luckily, they (the customers) are in no hurry and are easy going — so, I’m not slacking. This is the layout for the beginning of my basket and the progress so far. I’ve got 2 others to do and with Spring in the Air, working my splints outside is going to be great! More soon.

National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC

Took a tour of the National Museum of the American Indian in D.C. this past weekend, we happened to come on a week they were recognizing the Cherokee Nation. So, we got to see a few artists and crafters from that Nation, of course I took note of the basket makers. Asked a few questions while I could bend their ear – they use the white oak tree and wished we had more time to visit but being on a time table I couldn’t stay long. Just wanted to share a photo of their beautiful baskets. Always learning…

In the meantime…beadwork!

March 29, 2017

It’s so hard to capture the true colors of this piece. A peach beaded necklace, I got done between the basket class that I taught this month. Getting another piece done for an exhibition in Buffalo next weekend, but it’s a combination piece of cornhusk dolls, baskets and beadwork.  The idea in your head doesn’t always translate to the final product but I’m willing to try! Keep on keeping on, I’ll touch base again soon.

Mini Pack Basket

I finally ordered a kit for myself and made it the other day! I was quite pleased with the outcome. It’s adorable and I love it! This will be on my table from now on at shows and demos. I want to make a 10″ pack basket for myself and carry as a purse one day soon. The splints are much heavier and harder to come by as well. I can dream though…

Market Basket

A fellow artist had a fire this past winter and this piece went as a donation piece to help him and his partner. I was more than willing to help out a fellow artist in the time of need. The sun was bright this day and I was in the wood line near my house, some shadows but I wanted to share this piece. It has now gone on to its new home.

Mini Market Basket

Measures: 3.5″ w x 7″ l x 7.5″ h including handle – Mini Market Basket

I had a presentation at the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum this past weekend. Where I was part of the Living Artists Day – we had a terrific turnout with visitors from near and far stopping by to say hello and to learn more about our culture. I was more than willing to share my passion and through art I have been able to educate folks from every age range. It was a very busy time but I also managed to finish a basket and begin another one! This is one of the baskets that I will be teaching at the SINM in March. It’s a mini market basket and it’s cute! Always creating. Be back soon with more photos.

Recent works 2017

Measures 3x6.6x11 Measures 3×6.6×11

Things never go as you plan. So, again I will try to make a better effort on my pages.

Here is a mini tote – my granddaughter names them for me – totey tote! And Hattie Hats!

She made her first basket last year! I was so proud of her!

I made this totey tote this winter. I think cabin fever is setting in and I need to get out. I’ve been busy with beadwork lately as it’s not as hard on my hands/forearms. All is well here in my corner of the world. Going to keep making baskets as long as I can. I will post those works shortly as well. Stay frosty. I mean Toasty!